The Chronicle

Newcastle city centre is left litter strewn after Bank Holiday weekend

- By WILL METCALFE Reporter @thewillmet­calfe

MESSY scenes greeted early risers in Newcastle city centre on Bank Holiday Monday.

The Bigg Market, Side, and Market Street were festooned with tell tale signs of the night before.

These scenes, captured by Chronicle staff before Newcastle City Council’s hard working street cleaning team hit the streets, show fast food wrappers carelessly tossed aside - with little thought for anyone else.

In the Bigg Market gulls fought over remnants of pizza and a discarded stiletto was a sombre reminder of a Bank Holiday weekend.

However, the scenes were a far cry from the mounds of rubbish which have blighted the city centre following big nights out gone by.

Many venues in the infamous drinking spot have yet to reopen and there remains few signs as to when night clubs can welcome back revellers.

Newcastle’s nighttime economy is worth £340m per year and employs around 6,500 people.

And last week city centre organisati­on NE1 has called for urgent help for the sector and warned that a number of nightclubs are at risk of imminent collapse.

The warning comes shortly after research by the Night Time Industries Associatio­n (NTIA) showed 58% of businesses within the UK night-time economy fear they will not survive longer than two months without further Government support.

NE1 chief executive Adrian Waddell said: “We need the Government to step in to support nightclubs, one of the last remaining sectors of the economy that is still being forced to remain closed. Nightclubs are the forgotten industry.

“In Newcastle, these venues make a huge contributi­on to the city’s nighttime economy as well as giving the city its unique vibrancy. We want and need them to survive lockdown and be in a strong position to reopen when it is safe to do so.

“Without financial help, this is not going to be possible and Newcastle will be poorer for it. We need to ensure that we don’t lose these venues forever.”

 ??  ?? Rubbish left in the Bigg Market on Bank Holiday Monday
Rubbish left in the Bigg Market on Bank Holiday Monday

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