The Chronicle

Needle-attack shop thief now partially blind



Court Reporter

A SHOPLIFTER who stabbed a shop worker with a heroin needle was left blind in one eye when brave workers fended him off with plastic cleaning signs.

Anthony Norton was chased by staff at Iceland in Gateshead after stealing two bottles of alcohol.

A court heard he lashed out with an uncapped needle he was carrying to inject drugs, puncturing a supervisor’s arm, sparking an anxious six-month wait to see if he had been infected with any disease or virus.

Newcastle Crown Court heard Norton says he is now blind in one eye as a result of the incident.

The 44-year-old also stole from a charity which offers assistance to drugs users on his first day there, despite the fact they were trying to help him.

It was on April 1 last year that Norton attended a charity in Hartlepool to register for an 18month rehabilita­tion course – but then broke into an office and stole £20 from a drawer. A boss at the organisati­on branded his actions “despicable” and said the time and effort spent on him could have been used on someone more deserving.

Then, a week later, he went to Iceland, on Gateshead High Street and stole two bottles of spirits.

A supervisor and three colleagues chased him, with one of them throwing a plastic “wet floor” sign at him. He was cornered and the supervisor told him if he handed the alcohol back he could go but he didn’t respond.

Neil Pallister, prosecutin­g, said: “The supervisor stepped towards him and as he reached forward he saw the defendant was holding an uncapped needle, with the needle facing towards him.

“He then swung his right hand and the needle hit and punctured his left arm just under the elbow, causing a small puncture wound.

“The member of staff backed off and started to panic and noticed a drop of blood coming from his arm.”

The victim was taken to hospital, and given a hepatitis B vaccinatio­n and medication for those potentiall­y exposed to the risk of HIV infection. He had to have blood tests for six months to see if he had contracted anything.

He said in a victim impact statement: “I didn’t know if it was clean or dirty or if I am likely to catch anything. I have to wait six months to find out if I have caught anything, which is going to be six months of stress and worry.”

Norton, of Burlison Gardens, Felling, Gateshead, pleaded guilty to common assault on the basis he swung out recklessly and didn’t intend to stab the victim. He also admitted having an article with a blade or point.

Norton, who has 69 previous conviction­s, also admitted burglary in relation to the £20 he stole from the charity.

Judge Julie Clemitson sentenced him to eight months, suspended for 18 months, with a fivemonth curfew between 6pm and 6am.

Tony Cornberg, for Norton, said he had relapsed into heroin use at the time of the offences but he had made “genuine attempts to address his offending” and is now off drugs.

 ??  ?? Anthony Norton outside court
Anthony Norton outside court

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