The Chronicle

Eagles face their biggest test yet


AFTER a two-week break, Newcastle Eagles return to on-court action tonight with a huge road game in Worcester.

There is no doubting tonight’s BBL Cup quarter-final clash is the Eagles’ biggest game of the season so far.

It could also be argued it is interim head coach Ian MacLeod’s biggest game of his coaching career so far with a place in the semi-finals at place.

Worcester finished second in the South Group, earning the home draw and forcing Newcastle into the long journey.

It is difficult to assess what two weeks off can do to a side as on the one hand it gave the players and coaching staff a chance to recharge the batteries but on the other, because Newcastle had won two in a row, it could halt their momentum.

MacLeod said: “We are OK with the break at this point, it gives us a chance to review where we are and to get our numbers back to full quota.

“I am approachin­g it the same as with all games.

“We will prepare as we always do and while it is important one for our season we must not deviate from how we are now accustomed to preparing.

“As for the keys to the game, defensivel­y we want to have an aggressive and cohesive performanc­e where we can create scoring from our defence.”

One of the most intriguing aspects of what is sure to be an exciting and hardfought contest is the fact both teams will a big new inside presence in play as they both give debuts to new forwards.

For Wolves it is a BBL rookie in Amir Williams and for Newcastle CJ Gettys has arrived and plays his first game for the Eagles in his third BBL season.

MacLeod feels it will not make a lot of difference to his plans.

He added: “Not really as we have not played them before in this year’s BBL.

“We will have a new face of our own so we are both in the same boat.

“As for CJ, he is fully fit and raring to go.”

Often losing a player once the season has started and having to bring a new player in can cause disruption but MacLeod feels his side has moved on.

He said: “The players are just looking forward to getting back on the floor.

“CJ arrived on Tuesday and has had a couple of practices with the guys, so a line has been drawn under what went previously. We are what we are right now.”

 ??  ?? Eagles’ new boy CJ Gettys (on right) is set to make his debut at Worcester tonight
Eagles’ new boy CJ Gettys (on right) is set to make his debut at Worcester tonight

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