The Chronicle



“It’s the old adage that the fish rots from the head”

Tory MP Anne Main during a Commons debate in which calls were made for Speaker John Bercow to quit.

“People think I am some sort of extremist, but to me we live in a police state and it is getting progressiv­ely worse” Actress and avowed socialist Maxine Peake.

“Be careful because there is a real danger that if all of us Conservati­ve MPs do not stand behind the Prime Minister at a moment like this, the danger is that Brexit will be derailed altogether” Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in a warning to his predecesso­r Boris Johnson.

“Is Mrs May’s bacon saved or goose cooked?” Headline in the Northern Echo newspaper on the possible outcome of the Brexit summit.

“I would rather she was a leopard and a bit more predatory in her approach to Brexit. If she really is that fond of leopard, she should be there clawing out the perfect exit” Fashion expert Hilary Alexander on Theresa May.

“Sixteen years ago Theresa May told the Tories that some saw them as the nasty party. Well, I have news for her as she goes back to Brussels to negotiate Brexit: she ain’t nasty enough” Sir Bernard Ingham.

“Why would I condescend to interact with this creature? I don’t like him. I don’t approve of him” Lady Colin Campbell after refusing to shake hands with Paul Burrell, Diana, Princess of Wales’s former butler. “I’ll speak in Latin in future” Labour MP Jess Phillips when accused of using unbecoming language in an after-lunch speech.

“The best part about being in love with someone is having them there to catch you if you fall” Singer Lady Gaga announcing her engagement to Hollywood agent Christian Carino.

“It did everything it should not. It weed on the floor, it pooed on the floor, it didn’t go where its keeper wanted it to. It was an absolute delight, we were totally out of control of what was happening” Peter Purves, 79, who presented Blue Peter for 11 years recalls the day in 1969 when a baby elephant went on the set of the show which has celebrated its 60th birthday.

“Seann Walsh’s biggest faux pas was not taking off his hat before kissing Strictly’s Katya” Angela Humphery, of London, NW, in a letter to the Daily Mail.

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