The Chronicle

Richie getting twitchy



AFAMILIAR face pops up in Benidorm this week.

But if you can’t place the actor playing Sammy Valentino’s superfan Simon, forget the Med and think Manchester. For the creepy holidaymak­er is played by Graeme Hawley, aka Corrie’s teacher turned serial killer John Stape. And if you think Shane Richie’s return as the Tangotanne­d entertaine­r has been camp and crazy so far, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Oblivious to the bedlam Sammy unleashed when he last played the Solana, Monty has booked him to headline at Neptune’s. But as they discuss the upcoming show, Sammy’s approached by a rather nerdy looking figure in beige leisurewea­r. And it’s clear that Simon’s adoration of Sammy is a little intense.

‘Sammy? Sammy Valentino? I don’t believe it. Can I touch you?’ ‘Well, as long as it’s above the equator!’ retorts a nervous looking Sammy.

The pair are soon trading Sammy’s catchphras­es ‘Who loves you?’ ‘Sammy loves you!’ ‘Get off my grass!’ ‘Don’t wake the rhino!’

However when Simon mentions Sammy’s former double act partner Manny, the comic’s rattled. And when Monty does some digging around, what he learns leaves him horrified and desperate to halt the gig. Only trouble is, Joyce has just introduced Sammy. And when he takes to the stage, he spies Simon, holding a deeply tanned puppet in a sequinned jacket.

We’re getting flashbacks to that creepy Anthony Hopkins film Magic, and let’s just say the night ends very badly for one popular hotel guest.

It looks like Sammy’s comeback has stalled, and Monty’s most definitely back in the doghouse with Joyce.

 ??  ?? Graeme Hawley as Simon the superfan Shane Richie as Sammy Valentino
Graeme Hawley as Simon the superfan Shane Richie as Sammy Valentino

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