The Business Year

André Caiado



You declare that your architectu­re is at the same time global and local. Can you elaborate on this statement?

Most of our clients are internatio­nal. We work for Americans, Central Americans, Southern Americans, Chinese, Asians, and Europeans. We have clients across vastly different scopes. When we intervene in little town or in a greenfield area, we always design according to the situation there. We also work to ensure repeat clients. Happiness comes from viewing beautiful objects, and creating beautiful projects enables us to do our bit here as well.

What are your goals for 2022?

Our main objective is to maintain the developmen­t of the technologi­cal part of the office, which guarantees the quality of our projects. Furthermor­e, we want to continue to develop beautiful buildings that use limited capacity of additional energy. We want our buildings to operate with the energy they produce themselves. For example, when constructi­ng apartment buildings for lower-income families, by ensuring the proper insulation on the outside and using double-glazed windows, two things will happen. Children study better and have better results in school, and the elderly residents are healthier. In difficult times, the first thing to go is the energy, which results in people suffering in cold homes. These are just some of the things we would like to continue doing as well as we can and excelling ourselves. Being part of this company that has remained supportive to spread such knowledge is also important because it ensures a higher quality of work overall.

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