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Building in the west highlands and islands


Have you dreamed of building a home in a romantic island location?

The price of an island plot, as well as the increased costs of getting materials and workmen to your build site may make this seem like an impossible dream. But don’t give up- here on the west coast, there are companies that specialise in working on and delivering to the islands. With a bit of extra planning and thought, there’s no reason not to self build on the islands. Think Before You Act The number-one rule in rugged design is to plan ahead. With rugged sites, special factors come into play. In addition to normal home-design decisions, you’ll need to think about your site’s accessibil­ity, energy options, terrain and weather patterns. Sometimes these issues can raise your costs dramatical­ly. How Do You Get There? Is your site accessible by paved roads, or will materials need to be delivered by ship or plane? If roads are available, are they wide enough—and strong enough—for trucks filled with heavy loads of building materials? Evaluate your site’s accessibil­ity ahead of time, and work with your production team to come up with solutions- local haulage and constructi­on companies know how to get materials to challengin­g locations. Choose a Good Spot Don’t underestim­ate the importance of siting your

home on your lot. Where you choose to situate your house will impact daily living. Sure, it’s nice to capture great views, but you also want to make sure that you maximize energy efficiency and avoid terrain troubles. Materials Matter In a rugged setting, materials may dictate a home’s longterm durability. Windows and also play a role in a home’s longevity. Choose energy-efficient windows with a good R-value. Cladding on exterior windows also is a good idea. Remember, a little extra research now goes a long way toward creating a home that will last a lifetime.

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