The Arran Banner

Police probe crash as residents fight for speed curbs


Renewed calls have been made for action on a danger stretch of road after another crash.

A police probe is underway after a car crashed off the road at the Knockenkel­ly Burn Bridge outside Whiting Bay last Wednesday night.

The small red car with its front end badly damaged was still lying at the side of the road, cordoned off with police tape, this week.

It was at the same spot an elderly couple were injured in a crash last November and on a stretch of road where local residents have been fighting for speed curbs.

Following a campaign, North Ayrshire Council agreed to install countdown signs before the 30mph one signalling the start of Whiting Bay village coming from Lamlash.

However, a promise to also paint roadmarkin­gs has not yet materialis­ed.

The woman who led the campaign Fen Place resident ,gean Miller, said: ‘I really don’t think the new signs have made a blind bit of difference to the drivers who are still driving too fast on that stretch of road.’

In a letter from the council at the beginning of August, Mrs Miller was told that the roadmarkin­gs would be painted in the next four to five weeks, but nothing has yet happened.

These markings will consist of a 30mph roundel on the carriagewa­y at the terminal point and a slow message before and after the terminal point.

North Ayrshire Council told The Banner work was due to commence the week beginning September 29.

Yvonne Baulk, head of physical environmen­t, also told Mrs Miller that a 300 metre countdown sign would not now be erected as it would obstruct visibility for motorists exiting Kirkend Nursery and Auchencair­n Road.

‘The 200m and 100m sets of signs should provide adequate advance working of the 30mph speed limit,’ she said.

And added: ‘ The council has taken steps to put in place measures which indicate the presence of the 30mph speed limit and there is little more that can be done in this regard.

‘Clearly all road users must take responsibi­lity for their actions when using a public road. Enforcemen­t of speed limits lies with Police Scotland and I will raise your concerns with then at our next liason meeting.’

A Police Scotland spokesman confirmed a police enquiry was ongoing into the crash and added: ‘We are monitoring speed around the island, focussing on areas of public concern, which includes Fen Place.’

 ?? 20_b38crash01 ?? The car lies where it crashed into the bridge
20_b38crash01 The car lies where it crashed into the bridge

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