Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Workplace hauntings


Spirits sometimes choose to stay where they worked when they were alive because their workplace was like a second home to them. I’ve often held paranormal investigat­ions in pubs where former landlords and landladies remain because of all the happy memories there.

This is especially true for people whose home life wasn’t good, and work was the place where they felt needed and wanted. After they die, they choose to stay in what was their happy place.

Sometimes, the owner or boss of a business remains there after they pass away because they find it hard to let go of what they were once in charge of. These spirits can be happy just watching over things. But sometimes these hauntings feel sinister because the spirit tries to scare others away from what was once their domain.

People who used to work in difficult conditions, such as in mills or mines, but then died elsewhere, won’t have chosen to go back to their workplace.

But sometimes when people die at work in an accident, their spirit becomes trapped in the building. If someone dies suddenly in traumatic circumstan­ces, they may not be aware they’re dead and they don’t cross to the spirit world.

Then they get frustrated because they don’t understand why they don’t have a physical form, or why people can’t see or hear them. They’re not bad spirits, they’re angry because they’re stuck between two worlds. What we think of as poltergeis­t activity, for example doors slamming, is spirits letting out their frustratio­n. It’s the only way they have to show they’re there and what they’re going through.

 ?? ?? Tony Ferguson, paranormal investigat­or
Tony Ferguson, paranormal investigat­or

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