Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Why do spirits visit the bereaved?


Our loved ones in spirit come through during hard times to give us strength, comfort and encouragem­ent. That’s why they will often visit when someone has been bereaved.

This is especially true of the spirits of people who have recently passed away, who come through to their loved ones who are grieving.

A spirit can find many ways to show they have visited. Moving objects is common, especially special ones. You might smell their favourite perfume or aftershave, or their favourite food. If they were a smoker, you may notice the smell of smoke. Or you could hear them singing, whistling or calling your name.

After my dad, Bill, passed away, my mum, Joan, said when she got up in the morning there was sometimes an indentatio­n on his pillow, as if he had been lying there with her. It was a real comfort to her.

Spirits can also communicat­e through dreams. And sometimes you may even look up at the sky and see their face in the clouds. In that case it could be a spirit has got together with other members of family in the spirit world to create the energy to give a really powerful sign.

Even if you aren’t normally sensitive to spirit, when you are grieving, the loss makes you highly sensitive and more attuned and open.

Sometimes, though, people are worried if deceased loved ones in spirit appear because they don’t want them hanging around on the earth plane, they want them to go to the light.

But time and space don’t exist in the spirit world. They have gone to the light and have got rid of their earthly shell so their energies are perfect, free of any illness or injuries.

They’re just coming back to say: ‘I’m fine, don’t worry about me. You need to carry on with your life but I’m here to prove we’ll be together again. I’ll be waiting for you at the end.’

 ?? ?? James Griffiths, spirituali­st medium
James Griffiths, spirituali­st medium

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