Sunderland Echo

Smashed burgers are a big hit at the

Group barbecue

- Great British Bake Off contestant Karen

Wolde finally managed to get away in our caravan last week. If you remember we upgraded our clapped-out caravan to a newer model but, as we have been away in a motorhome for over a month, the caravan has had to wait in the wings.

I am a member of the Caravan Writers Guild, and we were booked to join some other members for a social weekend at a campsite in St Neots in Cambridges­hire.

We hitched up the caravan and tootled off down the A1 excited to try everything out that the caravan has to offer.

When we arrived on the site, we had what looked like a welcoming committee of the members waiting for us, and no sooner had we reversed the van onto the pitch than they were there, joining in and setting the van up for us.

It was like a full pit stop: one person connecting the water, another the electricit­y, another winding down the legs and levelling the van and finally another person connecting our television.

It was an incredible sight to see, all the caravan and motorhome experts helping us to get things organised in record time!

We spent much of the weekend pottering about the site and relaxing in the caravan, but we also went out and about too.

We all had a wander around the town, which was very pretty and right on the river Ouse.


After a coffee and a nose about in the numerous charity shops, it was time to head back to the site and get set up for a group barbecue.

A group of us had a meeting to discuss what to cook and who would do it.

Of course, I wanted to be involved and, as I had taken my new griddle with me, I was keen to make ‘smash’ burgers, but we also had sausages and kebabs.

The burgers were a hit and I served them in a bun with burger sauce, lettuce, a thick slice of tomato, gherkins and fried onions.

A ‘smash’ burger is simply minced beef with quite a high fat content squished up with salt and pepper into a ball a bit smaller than a tennis ball, then the balls are placed onto a hot griddle and after a minute they get smashed down with a heavy weight into thin burgers.

Cooking them this way gives them a lovely caramalise­d crust on the bottom, and they are so delicious.

My absolute favourites for barbecuing this year!

Pictured at the campsite cooking the

smashed burgers on the barbecue.

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