Sunderland Echo

Police chief seeks council tax payers' views


People in South Tyneside are being asked their views on how to fund austerity-hit police budgets.

Northumbri­a Police Commission­er Kim McGuinness has launched a public consultati­on on the police precept – the force’s share of local council tax bills – asking people how much they are prepared to pay to support the police. The consultati­on comes as police forces across the country await a Government funding-settlement – delayed by several weeks as a result of the recent General Election.

The consultati­on will ask households their views on a range of increases.

The lowest potential rise, the equivalent of a 22p a month for a Band D property, would meet basic costs, but provide no additional funds to tackle emerging crime trends.

Options up to a 78p per month rise would allow the force to increase resources and invest in crime prevention.

Ms McGuinness said: “As police commission­er my job is to ensure your police force has what it needs to protect and serve our communitie­s.

“Northumbri­a Police has had its funding reduced by the Government every year since 2011. This has led to a greater reliance upon the police precept share of the overall council tax bill.

“I believe the Government should be doing more to fund police forces, but difficult decisions may have to be taken locally to ensure Northumbri­a Police have the resources they need to keep us all safe.”

To have your say go to https://www.smartsurve­­ept2020/ or email: enquiries@northumbri­

The consultati­on ends on January 22.

 ??  ?? Police and Crime Commission­er Kim McGuinness.
Police and Crime Commission­er Kim McGuinness.

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