Sunderland Echo

Names are the same but...

- Rev Dr Peter Adegbie

There are two men in the Bible called Saul who are famous for different reasons.

The first Saul became the first king of Israel, a man chosen by God and anointed by prophet Samuel. He started well and had unique encounters with the Spirit of God but unfortunat­ely he did nothing with his encounters with God neither did he pursue intimacy with God.

The second Saul had his name changed to Paul, he became everything God wanted him to be because he responded to his encounter with God. We can compare and contrast the lives of these two men and learn from them because although they had similar names, they had different endings. The main difference between the two men was that one pursued knowing God and the other did not.

Saul the king unlike Saul turned Paul was more concerned about his public image than he was about knowing and honouring God. God wants friends, men and women who will walk with Him. Intimacy is a core principle of the kingdom of God and will keep coming to us as He did with the set women but what we do with His promptings and nearness determines how much of our destiny will be fulfilled here on earth. It was not God's intention for Saul the king to end the way he did, it was simply Saul' s choice not to seek to know why God chose him.

The good news is that through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we area people who can now host the presence of God.

If we pursue intimacy with God like Paul did, we can becomeHis friend and confidant and live a life that is fruitful, enduring and approved of God.

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