Sunderland Echo

Puppy carers wanted


Would you like to raise a puppy that will be a life changer for someone living with sight loss?

Would you like to be part of a friendly and sociable volunteeri­ng team?

Would you like to have a gorgeous guide dog puppy living with you for around 15 months?

If so puppy walking may just be for you!

My volunteers give up their time to care for a puppy in their home from eightweeks-old, while it develops and matures into a young adult dog, ready for training to be that life-changing guide dog.

You will be responsibl­e for teaching the pup social manners, developing basic skills on the lead and taking it out and about to a wide variety of places and situations.

You will be visited regularly and guided through the amazing life of the puppy, including all the ups and downs of your puppy training journey, as we work together to achieve a happy, confident, responsive and adaptable puppy who lives life to the full and will change someone’s life for ever.

Puppy walking volunteers need to have lots of love, time, patience and a sense of humour.

The puppy cannot be left alone any longer than three hours per day and will need to be walked daily without pre-school children present.

Volunteers will also need a suitable area for the puppy to do its business and a private enclosed garden or yard.

Support and advice will be provided throughout your puppy experience and Guide Dogs provides food and covers vet bills.

We also provide the relevant equipment for your volunteer role and see that your puppy can be boarded by another volunteer when you go on holiday.

If you would like to raise a life-changing pup contact Guide Dogs on 0345 1430191 to find out more.

We look forward to chatting to you about how we can work together to change someone’s life with one of our wonderful dogs. Graham McKinney, Puppy training supervisor, Guide Dogs, Benton

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