Sunderland Echo




Mar 21 – Apr 20 Bossing around loved ones will create great resentment. If you’re going to stay in their good graces, you must be respectful about their decisions. Stop trying to convince a romantic partner or relative to go against their desires. Celebrate when they get what they want. Trying to destroy an alliance with gossip will backfire. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Apr 21 – May 21 Being overly sensitive will drive opportunit­y from your door. It’s better to have a good sense of humour about yourself. When someone teases you, treat it like a test. Laughing off these irreverent remarks will cause your popularity to soar. Using personal connection­s to win a desirable position is a bad idea. It’s difficult to concentrat­e. Tel: 0905 506 6418


May 22 – June 21 So many things demand your attention it’s hard to know how to prioritise. Instead of attending to the biggest irritant, give your energy to the activities, people or ideas that bring the most pleasure. There’s no better recipe for happiness. Resist the temptation to condemn people who don’t share your opinions. Tel: 0905 506 6418


June 22 – July 23 An unwillingn­ess to accept change will limit your potential. An upcoming shift will work to your advantage, so long as you greet it with open arms. Don’t be afraid to abandon the familiar for something even more exciting. Your income could double or triple. Playing by the rules is critical, even if they are unfair. Tel: 0905 506 6418


July 24 – Aug 23 Putting too many demands on loved ones will strain these relationsh­ips. Instead of expecting others to meet your needs, try to satisfy yourself. Being polite to a rude person will test your strength. If there’s anything you can’t stand, it’s bad manners. Rather than sinking to the level of your tormentor, rise above it. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Aug 24 – Sep 23 Don’t be led by others, listen to your intuition instead. If you’re confused about which path to take, go to a quiet place where you can hear yourself think, this will keep you from going against your own interests for the sake of popularity. If work has become odious, tak time off. Getting distance from the situation will clarify your thoughts. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Sep 24 – Oct 23 It’s difficult for others to approach you. They sense you’re not happy with the status quo. A desire to break away from convention separates you from the crowd. There are worse things in life than feeling lonely. Stay true to your unique sensibilit­ies. If the spice has faded from a romance, make it your mission to add a few more dashes. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Oct 24 – Nov 22 Taking the practical route won’t cultivate the security you desire. Whether you want to increase your income or embark on a serious relationsh­ip, it’s critical to take a risk. Stop doing what is familiar and try a new approach. You’ll be astonished by its success. An argument over property will damage some family relationsh­ips. Tel: 0905 506 6418 SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22 Being honest can cause tremendous offense. Sometimes it’s better to maintain a tactful silence. There’s nothing hypocritic­al about withholdin­g your opinion. Even if someone asks for your advice, it would be best to turn down the request. Few people can handle it when you’re frank. Someone will break a promise, making you very angry. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Dec 23 – Jan 20 The sooner you forgive someone, the happier you will be. It isn’t necessary to condone bad behaviour or give an abusive person continued access to your life. Release their hold on your life. Be honest in all your business dealings. If you can’t deliver materials by a deadline, say so. There’s no point promising something you can’t deliver. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Jan 21 – Feb 19 You don’t need to have a partner to feel worthy. Whether you’re single or attached, your first loyalty should be to yourself. When you put your needs first, you pave the way for happy relationsh­ips in every area of life. Making provocativ­e remarks will lead to hostility. Stop challengin­g everyone and practice a more tolerant philosophy. Tel: 0905 506 6418


Feb 20 – Mar 20 Stop criticisin­g yourself. Replace negative feedback with encouragem­ent. As your confidence grows stronger, opportunit­ies for love, money and creative opportunit­ies will multiply. Face the truth of your anger. Trying to sweep feelings under the rug will only make them spiral out of control. Tel: 0905 506 6418

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