Sunderland Echo

Eco home plan turned down

- Local Democracy Reporter

Plans for an undergroun­d eco home near a historic South Tyneside home have been rejected over fears over the Green Belt.

Architect Craig Fitzakerly originally applied to South Tyneside Council to build a family home into hillside in the grounds of the gradeII listed Undercliff House, in Cleadon.

His vision included an undergroun­d car park and ‘living roof ’, blending into grassland, alongside restoring the historic gardens to their former glory.

However, the plans for the former stable site were withdrawn in 2016 after requests for more informatio­n.

Councillor­s have now rejected updated plans for the site over concerns the home would impact on Green Belt land and the wider heritage site.

In a consultati­on, 135 comments were lodged in support of the applicatio­n, stating the site would be used in a“sensitive manner”, boost property values and improve the area.

However, 86 objectors raised concerns ranging from design, noise disruption and light pollution.

Objector and neighbour Joel Price said there was “no requiremen­t” for the property on the land.

He claimed evidence provided by the applicant was misleading, argued the plans would affect heritage and ecology and suggested that the site could be turned into a “stunning meadow” instead.

But former Cleadon and East Boldon councillor, Margaret Meling, speaking in support, said plans would help “put South Tyneside on the architectu­ral map”.

She added the wider scheme would help restore the site and boost biodiversi­ty.

Managing director of Fitz Architects, Mr Fitzakerly, bought the site four years ago and proposed restoring woodland walks and the Undercliff pond and replacing an existing sewer on site.

He told the planning committee: “Given the massive improvemen­ts, which are backed up by consultee responses and national and local planning policy compliance, we can’t understand why the officer has come to these recommenda­tions.

“This proposal is a oneoff opportunit­y in our lifetime to rectify the problems caused by 40 years of equestrian use, to restore the historic gardens and enhance the natural habitat to allow wildlife to flourish.

“We would like nothing more than to restore this special place that we own and create a family home and conserve the gardens for future generation­s.”

Coun Geraldine Kilgour praised the design of the building but said she could not support the applicatio­n due its Green Belt location.

“It’s cleverly designed to be built into the land and it would appear it addresses all of the problems, but we can’t condition those problems.”

 ??  ?? An impression of how the eco would look. Inset, architect Craig Fitzakerly.
An impression of how the eco would look. Inset, architect Craig Fitzakerly.
 ??  ?? Undercliff, in Cleadon Lane, Cleadon.
Undercliff, in Cleadon Lane, Cleadon.

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