Sunderland Echo

Signed storytelli­ng for all


A signed storytelli­ng session will take place at Kayll Road Library on Tuesday from 11am to 12.30pm.

Award-winning arts and culture project the Cultural Spring and ITV SignPost have organised the session in which the stories will be performed in British Sign Language (BSL) by a deaf storytelle­r, supported by an interprete­r who will voice the tales.

Cultural Spring director Emma Horsman said: “ITV SignPost’s Claire Herdman will use BSL, music and props to bring some of our favourite stories and characters to life.

“Claire will be performing a range of fun stories and songs including There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly and Five Little Speckled Frogs.”

It’s £2 per person for the session, which can be booked by emailing georgia.shippen@ thecultura­ or calling 0191 427 8197.

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Claire Herdman

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