Sunderland Echo

Thug threw glass at DJ in derby day pub attack


- By David Allison and Karon Kelly

A yob who threw a glass into a pub DJ’s face in a horrific derby-day attack has walked free from court.

Luke Edwards, 23, caused a deep wound to Alex Ridley’s nose when he hurled the missile at him in the Wheatsheaf pub, in Shiney Row, last April 5.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the pub was packed with revellers after Sunderland beat rivals Newcastle 1-0 at the Stadium of Light, and Mr Ridley was providing the entertainm­ent.

Edwards was caught on a customer’s mobile phone camera dancing around the pub in a “silly” fashion with a friend, before the threw the glass, seemingly without reason.

Prosecutor Rebecca Brown told the court: “Mr Ridley did not see what happened, he was DJ-ing when all of a sudden he was hit in the face and started bleeding heavily.”

After the violence, Edwards warned a bar manager “if anyone grasses me I will be back to burn you and your pub down”.

The court heard the attack has had a devastatin­g effect on Mr Ridley as his DJ-ing career.

He felt sickened when his family and children went through the trauma of seeing his injured face and feels his behaviour at home has changed.

He can no longer work in the busy bars where he earned his living, providing entertainm­ent for customers to enjoy.

Mr Ridley told police in a victim-impact statement that he has worked just a handful of children’s parties since he was attacked, meaning his earnings have massively reduced and he has been left with an obvious, two-inch scar on his nose.

He said the attack has impacted on his home and family life and that he constantly feels “on edge”.

Edwards, of Park View, Shiney Row, Sunderland, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and intimidati­on of a potential witness.

Mr Recorder Nigel Sangster QC sentenced him to two years imprisonme­nt, suspended for two years, with 150 hours unpaid work, £2,000 compensati­on and £1,500 costs to be paid.

The judge told him: “It was good luck rather than judgement that he was hit on the nose, rather than the eye, but it caused a severe cut and left a scar.

“I accept what he says, that as a result of what you did, he no longer wants to DJ in pubs where people might be drinking, he restricts himself to childrens’ parties and the like.”

Gavin Doig, defending, said Edwards and his family are “appalled” by his behavior that night, which he described as “lunacy”.

He told the court that Edwards has a good job and still lives at home with a supportive family.

 ??  ?? The Wheatsheaf in Shiney Row.
The Wheatsheaf in Shiney Row.

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