Sunday Sun

Bike thief caught after sting by police


A CROOK was snared in a police sting aimed at tackling rising bike thefts in a city centre.

Christophe­r Jones was oblivious to the fact he was being watched by officers as he failed to resist temptation and helped himself to a £500 pedal cycle, which had been planted on

Charlotte Square, in Newcastle.

The 23-year-old ripped the bike from a lock and tried to make off down the street but was quickly pursued by an officer and arrested, a court was told.

And when he realised he’d fallen into a trap, Jones said “I knew it was dodgy, you don’t have a £1 lock on a £2,000 bike”.

Now Jones, of George’s Road, in Cruddas Park, Newcastle, has been ordered to stay indoors between 7pm and 7am for eight weeks after he pleaded guilty to one count of theft when he appeared in a dock via video link from a police station.

Clare Irving, prosecutin­g at North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court, said Jones was spotted in Charlotte Square shortly after midday on Monday, November 2.

“This is a sting operation and the bike belongs to Northumbri­a Police,” Ms Irving continued. “It was placed in an area where pedal cycle theft is prevalent.

“The bike was locked to a bike rack. The defendant rips it from the bike lock and gets on it to drive away. An officer then shouts “stop, police”. The defendant is slowed down and the officer grabs hold of him.

“The officer injured his right arm and hand during the incident as the defendant was described as struggling violently.”

During interview, Jones, who has past conviction­s, including for theft, apologised and claimed he would have sold the bike to fund his drug habit.

Michael Crowe, defending, said Jones was on a methadone programme but hadn’t had any over the weekend as he’d missed an appointmen­t at the chemist. As well as the curfew, Jones must pay £85 costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

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