Sunday Sun

CELEB Sharp words for Chloe after lip trick


GEORDIE Shore star Chloe Ferry shocked followers as she attempts to inject herself with filler while plugging a lip product in a bizarre Snapchat video.

The 22-year-old took to her social media on Thursday in a variety of clips.

But fans got more than they bargained for during one clip when, while sharing a review of a particular cosmetic, Chloe then brandished a syringe filled with filler.

She then said: “Got some lip filler here, might just inject myself.”

In the next clip she proclaims what the product is, before she holds up the syringe again - and accidental­ly “pricks herself” with the sharp end of the implement.

She says: “I am too scared to do it myself, because I am a p***y.”

As she informs someone off camera about the prick, it’s not clear whether she actually injected any filler - as they ask her if she actually did hurt herself.

She replied: yeah.”

Mirror Online spoke with Dr Munir Somji CMO of Dr MediSpa about the dangers of self-infection when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

He warned: “You can’t accurately judge the angle and depth of injection and are at risk of vascular occlusion which can cause stroke, blindness and loss of skin when injecting yourself with filler.” “It pricked, Snapchat grabs of Chloe Ferry who attempts to inject herself with lip filler

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