Sunday Sport



I RARELY dream, because my thoughts are not disturbed by evil, but when I do awake, refreshed and renewed, feeling pure and fair and equitable, my first thought is class war.

I am overwhelme­d by a determinat­ion to take as much money off what we all know are undesirabl­e people and simply hand it over to people who, like me, think in the correct manner.

Tax the rich until their eyes water. But obviously not myself, as although I’m extremely wealthy thanks to my billionair­e father, tax surely doesn’t apply to those with progressiv­e minds.

Eric Constantin­e, Islington

ARE you having me f** king on?

I get taxed on my salary. Taxed on my petrol. Taxed on the car I already paid tax on. Taxed on everything I buy apart from food.

My pension, which I pay for out of my already- taxed salary, gets taxed again, on top.

So why aren’t these lazy c*** s, who I pay their bills for through my taxes for doing nothing, getting taxed as well? Must be nice getting free money from hard- working folk.

Dave Rodgers, Prestwich

TAX is one of those words that makes people either wrinkle up their noses in disgust or get really excited about if it involves someone else paying more of it. But anyone who has ever needed the unstinting support of Our NHS knows only too well why we pay taxes.

Personally, I just can’t get enough of their TikTok videos. But can I suggest something? The nurses need to get back into those sexy uniforms like in the Carry On films. You know the ones…

Jeremy Mulraney, Bournemout­h

ONE only has to wander along the litter- strewn streets of our inner cities to see how our taxes are squandered willy- nilly on our supposed “poor”.

Give them a few free shiny guineas, and they’ll subjugate their own selves into drunken oblivion, rather than holding wealth creators aloft on their shoulders.

So I avoid paying taxes are much as I legally can, because to give the deprived more opportunit­y to send themselves further into the gutter is a criminal act in which I refuse to take part.

Sebastian Plume, Bucks

NO- one is more in favour of paying more tax than I am, because we need a better society and the richest should shoulder more of the burden.

But if I do end up paying more, then I probably deserve more of a say in how’s it spent.

If I agree to pay a few pence more in the pound, for instance, does that mean we can bring back hanging?

Peter Bennett, Castleford

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