Sunday Sport


DEANO ON SUNDAY These daft c*nts don’t get irony Activist calls for cooking show to be


THESE c* nts really don’t do irony, do they?

After Boris Johnson pulled a masterstro­ke and got the Queen to agree to shut down Parliament for a few weeks, the Remainiacs blew a collective gasket.

The usual array of irritating celebritie­s from Stephen Fry to Hugh Grant – you know, the one caught with his dick in a whore’s mouth at the side of the road – lined up to bleat about “democracy”.

They even called Boris’s action’s a “coup”.

OK, the timing was a little buccaneeri­ng, but three years of Theresa May trying to play by the rules has landed us twice the square root of f** k all.

And if this was a coup, why did the Queen – who knows more about our constituti­on than Diane F** king Abbott – sign off on it?

That irritating little shit Owen Jones – a ubiquitous annoyance who redefines the word “c* nt” – took to Twatter ( where else?) to beg: “Stop the coup, defend democracy.” Defend democracy! Presumably he typed that with a straight face.

Every one of the people who took to the streets on Wednesday night ( left) to protest at Boris proroguing Parliament and to “defend democracy” should hang their heads in shame. Because they’re HYPOCRITES! T hese people – to a man, woman of whatever gender they want to call themselves – are in the business of DESTROYING democracy.

They are not so much angry at what Boris did. They are angry that – finally – Brexit looks a possibilit­y.

The Brexit that a majority of people voted for back in 2016.

Ever since the Remainers got slapped in the face by that surprise result they have been trying to overturn it. To reverse a democratic decision. Now, after all their anti- democratic shenanigan­s, THEY’RE the ones posing as defenders of democracy.

It’s straight out of 1984 – War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength…

Overturnin­g democracy democratic.

These maniacs are so convinced they are right, they are incapable of thinking – even for a second – that they might be wrong.

That is the sort of arrogant, blinkered mindset that led to women being burned as witches, to Galileo being locked up for looking through a telescope and to millions being murdered in a “Thousand Year Reich”.

When people take to the streets, wave flags and openly declare that black is white, we have reached a terrifying point in our history. is IT’S not easy breaking into the competitiv­e beer market these days – with hundreds of trendy, new craft ales filling supermarke­t shelves.

So Bofferding, a 255- year- old brewery from Luxembourg, hopes a little nudity will help one of their new products really stand out.

A self- described “cheeky” ad campaign – called “Drink in the Boff” features naked people posing in the great outdoors.

The adverts were shot in leafy Wisconsin locations “that help reinforce the all- natural product benefit and also the aesthetic similariti­es to Luxembourg,” says a brand representa­tive.

One fan posted online: “Well, it’s quite appropriat­e. I take my clothes off when I’m pissed, too.” PUBLICITY PHOTO: Noel Fielding and co- host Sandi Toksvig as on- screen pals Prue and Paul LINE- UP: ( Paul, Sandi, Noel and Prue

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