Sunday People

The show has enjoyed a real renaissanc­e recently


up all these years. But I find it easier. I like to come in and play a character that’s not like my every day life.” Over the years, Sam has been married, become a dad, been in trouble with the police, fallen in unrequited love countless times and always looked out for his family.

But for James the plots that really stand out was when Sam helped his wife Alice die after battling nonhodgkin lymphoma and the domestic abuse story involving Rachel, played by Gemma Oaten.

Yet James once almost quit the show. He said: “Then my second daughter was born and I turned around and thought about the reality of leaving the job.

“I probably would have been away doing a theatre tour.

“The best part of doing my job is I get to go home every night. It helped me re-focus. I slapped myself round the face, and thought, ‘What are you thinking?’

I’ve really enjoyed the last three years. I’m happier at work now than I’ve ever been.

“The show has had a real renaissanc­e recently. The last two years we’ve won every award going.

“It’s been wonderful to see the show getting recognised in that way. I was around in the lean years when we won nothing.”

James was sad to see long-serving cast member Jane Cox, who played Dingle matriarch Lisa, leave. But the return of Lisa Riley as Mandy has breathed fresh life into the Dingles. Sam is engaged to Lydia Hart, played by actress Karen Blick. James said: “It’d be great to have a romantic wedding with two characters who are in love.

“But it’s a soap, so I’m sure if it did happen, there would be some kind of drama involved.” He added: “Sam has been a defining role in my career, it’s changed my life immeasurab­ly.

“I’m really happy to still be here after this length of time and I hope to be here for years to come. I’ll be raising a glass to celebrate reaching 25 years.”

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