Sunday People

ODDS TO BECOME A MUM I had this gorgeous girl despite having just a quarter of my womb


was nowhere near as bad as it had been.” Then by that July she began suffering severe nausea. She suspected a kidney infection but on her doctor’s advice took a precaution­ary pregnancy test.

To her astonishme­nt it was positive. She said: “I burst into tears. I couldn’t get my head around it. I was so shocked I didn’t tell anyone for 24 hours – not even Ryan.” Haley took five more tests. She said: “I didn’t want to say the words out loud because it felt like I was dreaming. When I finally told Ryan he was so shocked he couldn’t speak.”

Haley had a fraught pregnancy with terrifying bleeds, bad morning sickness and, in the final weeks, a split pelvis.

Doctors said she faced a 70 per cent chance of miscarriag­e because the baby was unlikely to have an adequate blood supply. Haley was induced three weeks early on March 20 and, amazingly, delivered 6lb 10oz Ava naturally.

The remainder of her uterus ruptured during birth, which could have killed both her and Ava. The newborn tot struggled to breathe and spent two days in a special baby care unit.

Haley recalled: “When she was born I could see she was blue and I panicked but thank God she’s totally fine now.” Haley and Ryan were able to take Ava home a few days later.

Beaming, the new mum said: “Sometimes, I still look at her and I can’t believe she’s here. She fought so hard to come into the world that I’m so protective of her. I never leave her with anyone.

“She’s already developing a lovely little personalit­y. She smiles so much and she’s such an easy baby as she sleeps through the night. She has brought Ryan and me closer together too. Having a child with someone really cements your love for them.”

Haley knows the odds are stacked against being able to give Ava a brother or sister naturally.

She said: “It’s so unlikely to happen again but I’m not sure I could put myself through pregnancy again given the risks. I’ve also got Ava to think of now and she needs me to be as healthy as possible.

“We’ve been engaged for four years but we want to wait until Ava is walking before we get married.

“I’d love her to walk down the aisle with me as a little flower girl.”

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