Sunday People

Gain of a new throne show for legend Rigg

- By Amy Sharpe

SCREEN legend Diana Rigg is excited to be joining the cast of Victoria and is delighted to be still working at 79.

In a dazzling career spanning nearly six decades, Dame Diana has memorably played Emma Peel in 60s cult TV show The Avengers and a Bond girl in 1969’s On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Most recently she has been killed off as the waspish but wise Olenna Tyrell in the seventh series of the hit fantasy epic Game of Thrones.

Dame Diana stole many of her scenes in the smash dark drama. Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes expected her to do the same as the Duchess of Buccleuch, Queen Victoria’s sharptongu­ed Mistress of the Robes.

Dame Diana said: ”I am just very lucky to be acting, aren’t I – and to remember my lines?” She said there is very little she can’t now do as an actress but horse drawn carriages posed a problem.

She said: “They are very high and impossible to get into and impossible to get out of.

“I can’t do that in front of the camera as it is very ungainly.

“I pleaded with the director to not make me do it on camera. There is a lot of huffing, puffing and groaning.” Dame Diana also revealed she escaped wearing a corset. She said: “I am beyond a corset so I don’t have to suffer that. I am not interested in having a waist – forget that. “I only take half an hour in wardrobe and make-up because I am long past improving my appearance, so try to have it all done as quickly and efficientl­y as possible.” The actress managed to bring some lighter moments to the period drama. She said: “There has to be a bit of comedy and I try to find it in every scene. “It is not exactly laugh out loud but the writer Daisy has given me some terrific lines. The duchess is great fun to play. “She is very proper in many respects, but she also has deep prejudices which make me laugh a lot and hopefully will make the audience laugh too. “I love her candour, the fa fact she is straightfo­rward. She is a very efficient sort of woman bu but then so am I so we have t that in common.” Creator D Daisy Goodwin said: “In he her contract, Diana had a bottle of prosecco every day. “She just drank one glass a and shared the rest w with the rest of the make-up lad ladies.”

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