Sunday People


- By Alan Selby and Matthew Davis by

RAPE suspects face a postcode lottery over whether they will be brought to court.

A rape victims’ charity voiced alarm last night after it was revealed that prosecutio­ns are almost THREE times more likely in some areas.

Figures revealed under Freedom of Informatio­n show 2,271 rape cases were dropped by the Crown Prosecutio­n Service last year.

This was out of 6,855 reported to police – meaning a third of claims were ditched. Only 91 of 283 cases prepared by Essex Police saw the defendant taken to court, or just 32 per cent.

But in Surrey, 57 of the 64 cases compiled by police ended with the suspect being charged,

Records from the CPS show a decision not to prosecute an alleged rapist was made in more than 11,000 cases over the past five years.

The toll of cases thrown out means the chance of an alleged rapist being convicted after police have prepared a case is only 40 per cent.

Rachel Krys, of the End Violence Against Women coalition, said if this was not down to the CPS, police may be referring cases before they are ready. She said: “Depending on where you live in the country, you are going to get a different experience from the system.”

In 2014, Shaun Hopkins, 28, of Liverpool, was given life for strangling and raping a young girl. But in 2005, an earlier rape claim against him was dropped because the CPS thought there was no realistic prospect of conviction.

A Crown spokesman said: “The CPS charged in more rape cases than ever last year. We prosecute every case where there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest.”

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