Sunday People

LAST MOMENTS OF CRAZY KIM’S MURDERED BRO Picture reveals hell of Korea assassin’s victim

- By Chris Hughes and Karen Rockett

UNCONSCIOU­S and close to death, assassinat­ion target Kim Jong-nam slumps back in an airport chair.

The estranged half-brother of North Korean despot Kim Jong-un breathed his last after apparently being poisoned by a hit squad on Monday.

Jong-nam, 46 – an outspoken critic of the Pyongyang regime – was attacked by a gang who thrust a toxic cloth over his face as he waited for a flight in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Yesterday it was confirmed a North Korean man, named as 46-year-old Ri Jong Chol, had been arrested over the bizarre public murder.

A Malaysian man and two women suspects, one identified as Indonesian and the other as Vietnamese, have already been detained.

One of the women, Siti Aishah, 25, claims a mystery stranger paid her £80 to take part in a “video prank”.

Both she and Doan Thi Huong, 29, seen on airport CCTV wearing a “LOL” t-shirt, insist they were duped and had never heard of Jong-nam.


But Western security experts believe both women may be graduates of a chilling training school which churns out beautiful but deadly female spies.

The so- called honeytrap killers, specially chosen for their looks and intelligen­ce, spend eight years hidden away in secret mountain bases.

Often students or actresses, they are put through gruelling lessons in spycraft, martial arts, bomb-making, weapons and covert surveillan­ce,

For half a century North Korea has sent them out on missions to kill, maim, coerce, kidnap and even have sex with targets to blackmail them.

The agents are taught to swallow cyanide pills to avoid being taken alive – and know their families back home may be executed if they bungle a job.

Experts say both femal es arrested over Jong-nam had shown classic signs of field operatives, such as repeatedly moving around and using only cash.

A former British intelligen­ce officer said: “It is entirely possible both are North Korean-trained spies.”

Meanwhile a female agent still held under guard by South Korea over an atrocity 30 years ago has admitted she was brainwashe­d.

Ex-actress Kim Hyon-hui, now 55, was one of two operatives who planted a bomb on a South Korean jet which crashed in the sea in 1987, killing 115 passengers and crew.

She said: “I was taught that our leader was a god. North Korea is not a state – it is a cult.”

 ??  ?? HORROR: Target breathes his last after gang’s strike RULER: Jong-un ‘ordered killing’ HIT: Jong-nam ‘was poisoned’ ARREST: T-shirt girl ‘was duped’
HORROR: Target breathes his last after gang’s strike RULER: Jong-un ‘ordered killing’ HIT: Jong-nam ‘was poisoned’ ARREST: T-shirt girl ‘was duped’

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