Sunday Mirror

Statins saved my life... and made me a gym teacher

Cholestero­l-busting pills have had a mixed press but 63, swears by them


I always thought that I was pretty fit for my age. At 53, and a mother of two, I loved walking and swimming and thought I ate reasonably healthily, although I had a weakness for chocolate, butter on my toast and cream in my coffee.

So it was a huge shock when I suffered a heart attack 10 years ago while on the phone to my sister Valerie.

It started with a pain in my sternum, which I put down to a bout of indigestio­n.

By the time my husband Terry arrived home just a short while later I was sweating and didn’t feel at all well.

Then I started getting a tingling in my left arm.

Terry called NHS Direct and described my symptoms.

Sure enough, an ambulance was dispatched to take me to hospital from my home in Elloughton, East Riding in Yorkshire.

As I was wheeled through A&E at Hull Royal Infirmary I felt like a bit of a fraud and it certainly didn’t cross my mind that I was having heart trouble.

Once seen by an emergency doctor I was taken up to a ward and put on an ECG and given an angiogram. I was utterly stunned when the consultant told me I’d had suffered a heart attack at such a young age.

Then I thought about the sedentary side of my job.

As a councillor who sat in planning committees almost every week – and spent hours and hours sitting poring over documents – I had neglected my health.

I thought about all the times I’d taken a large chocolate bar to committee meetings.

I intended to share the treat with colleagues during the break, but ended up eating it myself. I now realise the simple truth – I just wasn’t looking after myself as well as I should have been.

The doctors told me my cholestero­l level was off the scale and put me on 40ml of statins, beta blockers and an aspirin a day.

When I got out of hospital my GP suggested I attended something called HEART link (heart education and active rehabilita­tion therapy) at Haltempric­e Leisure Centre in Hull.

I learned which were the best foods to eat and replaced my salt with ground pepper and mustard, exchanged my butter for a healthy spread and discovered oat milk instead of traditiona­l cow’s milk. I also took part in some aerobic and gym work and was bitten by the bug.

One of the teachers said I had great rhythm and that I should train as a teacher. I took the advice and decided to go for it.

It took a year of hard work and theory to become an aerobics instructor but it’s been worth it.

I run two classes a week, mainly for the over-60s, and like to include some dance and Zumba moves into the routine.

I push the ladies as much as I can, while taking their fitness levels into account, and I absolutely love it.

I gave up my life as a councillor after having my heart attack.

While I really enjoyed helping people I needed to change my lifestyle. My cholestero­l level is now a healthy 3.4mmol/l. The average in the UK is 5.7

There has been lots of misleading informatio­n about statins and whether the possible side-effects could outweigh the benefits to those at low risk from high cholestero­l.

But I’m in no doubt that they have not only helped save my life but changed it completely.

If your doctor feels you need them and prescribes them then you should trust your GP and do so.

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