Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Spirit that makes us invincible


Our nation is at her best when we have our backs to the wall. No one thought the Army could be rescued from the bombed beaches of Dunkirk – but it was. To achieve the impossible, ordinary folk selflessly took to the water in the little ships so the soldiers could fight another day.

No one thought our vaccinatio­n rollout could be such a monumental success after so many pandemic failures – but it is.

That is down to the dedication of our NHS workers and the ordinary men and women who volunteere­d to help them.

And while everyone hoped it might be so, no one really thought Gareth Southgate could lead the England squad into this final – but he has.

That is tribute to Gareth’s skill, tenacity and judgement. To Raheem Sterling and Jordan Henderson. The two Harrys, Kane and Maguire.

And Jordan Pickford deserves a shout-out for his admirably safe pair of hands.

But more than anything, England’s success is another example of what can be achieved when a team pulls together.

The Three Lions are symbolic of how this nation always manages to unite in common cause – whether it’s fighting Nazis or an invisible enemy, both hell-bent on invading our shores.

It is when the chips are down that we invariably find the strength to rise up.

The Lions have handed us that strength by giving us something special to cheer.


After by far the most dismal 15 months that most of us can remember, for once we can agree with Boris Johnson when he told Gareth and the boys yesterday: “You have lifted the spirits of the whole country.”

So they have. The pick-me-up to being laid low. A national shot in the arm – which, before this tournament, only meant needles.

From the brilliant defeat of Germany to the masterful despatchin­g of Ukraine, the Lions have not put a paw wrong.

And appropriat­e, too, at a time when unity is needed more than ever, that their only draw during the tournament was with Scotland.

At eight o’clock this evening the Wembley crowd will roar as the Lions take the field and the streets will be silent as millions more watch tonight’s game from their living rooms.

It will be the biggest coming together this country has seen since 1966 – although most of us were not alive to remember that triumphant summer of football.

Those who were may have only vague memories of Billie Jean King’s Wimbledon final or Dr Zhivago hoovering up Oscars, of Chi Chi the panda and TV’s Till Death Us Do Part – although we dread to think what Alf Garnett would have had to say about players taking the knee.

And the Sunny Afternoon that rocketed the Kinks to No1 would certainly be welcome now.

What those who were there will never forget is the celebratio­ns all across the country that followed England’s World Cup victory. Repeat that and today will truly be VE day.

Whatever the result against Italy tonight, our hearts are already overflowin­g with pride.

No pressure, Gareth – but please do win, so that we can be even prouder still.

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