Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

£300k-a-year NHS boss puts her parking fines on expenses

Storm over £149 claim as staff pay £1.9m


A HOSPITAL boss paid more than £300,000 a year billed her own health trust for £149 after being slapped with parking fines.

Ex-CEO Siobhan McArdle submitted the claim as staff at South Tees NHS Foundation Trust forked out £1.9million to park at work during 2018-19.

The expense claim emerged after Ms McArdle quit following an inspection which labelled intensive care “inadequate”. The Trust runs

James Cook University

Hospital in Middlesbro­ugh and other sites.

In an email to staff, Ms

McArdle – who pocketed nearly £53,000 in overtime on top of her £250,000 salary last year – complained “life is too short” to carry on in her post.

Unite regional officer Neil Howells said: “Siobhan McArdle’s email to committed and hardworkin­g staff was crass enough.

“Most of the workforce don’t have the luxury to quit on a whim and have suffered years of unsustaina­ble workloads and stagnant pay.

“To also claim back fines, when the rest of the workforce forked out to park at work, is just rank hypocrisy.”

The Trust said it settled the expense claim in error and would be pursuing Ms McArdle for the amount paid. She has insisted the fines were disputed and incurred while she was on work duties – so she was entitled to claim for them.

It is believed the fines were issued in February 2019 and October 2016, for fixed penalties in Leeds and at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Durham. In her email, Ms McArdle said she “remained true to values, vision and high levels of integrity”, adding: “However, the personal cost of being CEO is just too high and life is just too short.”

The row comes as staff are fighting increases to car park permit costs – amid calls for charges to be axed all together. The Trust said it will “seek to recover any payments reimbursed in error.”

Ms McArdle said: “Any expenses were in line with Trust policy and supported by receipts. The fines relate to parking fine disputes and in both instances the Trust took responsibi­lity for resolving these as I was clearly on Trust business.”

 ??  ?? To claim back fines when the rest of the workforce forked out to park is just rank hypocrisy UNITE UNION’S NEIL HOWELLS ON SIOBHAN McARDLE, ABOVE
To claim back fines when the rest of the workforce forked out to park is just rank hypocrisy UNITE UNION’S NEIL HOWELLS ON SIOBHAN McARDLE, ABOVE

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