Sunday Mail (UK)

Sorry, PM, we must be boring you

- It

is fortunate – for her agent, at least – that Joan Rivers was not around to see it.

The news of her sad demise on Thursday relegated to the And Finally slot on the BBC News at Ten?

Even the second last item, our own Scottish independen­ce referendum, was deemed more newsworthy. And that’s saying something.

Now, we know Syria, Ukraine, the Euro crisis, a pizza crust that looks like Jesus, and whatever else was getting more attention that night is important. But it wasn’t just that night. It’s every night.

A debate that could end 300 years of shared history, disunite the Kingdom, cost David Cameron his job, strip Labour of any hope of power, have repercussi­ons and consequenc­es not even thought of yet, and in London...

Well, you know, it seems to be a little, what’s the word, parochial, a bit Scottish really.

Maybe, of course, the movers and shakers, from the Prime Minister down, are being respectful, allowing us to talk things over ourselves without butting in. Maybe. Or perhaps, they cannot shake off the complacent, heartfelt assumption – implicit since the day Westminste­r agreed to this referendum – that when Scotland decides, we’ll decide to stay. The PM strolling across the fairways with world leaders in Wales last week seemed oblivious to what is going on 400 miles up the road.

His ministers continue to insist that the prospect of Scotland saying See Ya! is so remote that their Sir Humphreys have only started thinking about contingenc­y plans for contingenc­y plans in case of a Yes vote.

Now either the PM, Ed Miliband and the rest have some super-secret polling that shows Better Together remain 10, 12, 15 points ahead. Or they’re not really getting it.

There have been huge days in British history before, the last days of terrible wars, the first days of the NHS and the welfare state, but this referendum is just as big, just as full of import.

Yet the Government and the Metropolit­an movers and shakers still seem to believe it is far from home and far from interestin­g.

The Yes camp, meanwhile, and, increasing­ly, the pollsters are convinced something is happening, something very like the 2011 Holyrood election when the SNP came from behind to gub Scottish Labour who ran a campaign so absolutely, abjectly hopeless that they can only have done it for a bet.

For now, Better Together seem determined to continue with Project Fear, steaming on with the scary stuff, currency uncertaint­y, oil uncertaint­y, pensions, prices and mortgages uncertaint­y. There is at least one certainty, however.

If poll after poll shows Yes Scotland edging further ahead, then we will see a new, jittery urgency from the Unionists.

We might, just possibly, even see Cameron and Miliband explain exactly, with detail and deadlines, how and how quickly Devo Max might be delivered.

It will look like panic, of course, because it will be panic. It still might work.

F or Better Together, the And Finally slot may easily become the only shot they have left.

 ??  ?? JOKE The PM in Wales last week
JOKE The PM in Wales last week

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