Sunday Express

IS LETBY Or did the jury get it wrong?

Diary entries and there


The appalling crimes of killer nurse Lucy Letby shocked the nation. The 34-year-old murdered seven babies at the Countess of Chester hospital – and tried to kill another seven newborns.

Yet despite being found guilty at two trials – and locked up for life – questions are now being raised over the safety of her conviction­s.

So is Letby the worst child serial killer in

British history, or the victim of an astonishin­g miscarriag­e of justice?

JOHN SIDDLE examines the damning evidence and emerging doubts...


Lucy Letby, from Hereford, was branded a “covert narcissist” who undertook a “cruel, calculated and cynical campaign of child murder” in 2015 and 2016.

She deliberate­ly injected air into babies’ stomachs and veins, causing them to collapse.

Others were found to have had their tiny stomachs pumped with milk.

Two babies were injected with insulin, which prosecutor­s claimed was clear evidence of an “intention to kill”.

Hundreds of confidenti­al medical documents were found at her home, and Letby searched for victims’ families on Facebook.


Detectives uncovered an apparent confession by Letby when they raided her semi-detached home in Chester.

The nurse had written an entry in her teddy bear diary describing herself as a “horrible evil person” writing in capital letters: “I AM EVIL. I DID THIS.”

Letby scrawled on another green Post-it note: “I killed them on purpose because I’m not good enough. I will never have children or marry or know what it’s like to

have a family.” Another entry suggested a God complex: “How do some sick babies get through and others die so suddenly and unexpected­ly? Guess it’s how it’s meant to be.”


A chart revealed Letby was always on duty when babies in the neonatal unit collapsed and died.

Each of the other 38 nurses at the Countess were in attendance just a handful of times across the 13-month spree. No other staff member was present more than

seven times. Prosecutor Nick Johnson KC told jurors how “by a process of simple eliminatio­n” only one person could be responsibl­e.


The newborns who died or were harmed were described as being in relatively good health – despite being born prematurel­y.

Infants were described as being “stable”, “doing well” or “excellent” – with no suggestion that they would suddenly fall critically ill.

Of one baby, described as a “well infant”, four medical experts concluded his death was consistent with the “deliberate injection” of air.


Despite insisting on her innocence, Letby’s defence team struggled to explain the deaths.

The only witness they presented was a plumber who claimed that he had seen sewage emerge from a sink – suggesting the discharge may be linked.

And why, when Letby left the neonatal unit in June 2016, had infant deaths seemed suddenly to stop?

 ?? ?? ‘I KILLED THEM’: Letby at work
‘I KILLED THEM’: Letby at work

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