Sunday Express


- By Steve Bates

STEVE BRUCE says Pep Guardiola will react with fiery determinat­ion after surrenderi­ng the title – just like his old boss Sir Alex Ferguson.

Newcastle boss Bruce was Ferguson’s Manchester United captain when they won the Premier League in 1993, ending 26 years without the title.

When they lost their crown to Blackburn Rovers two years later Ferguson vowed to win it back – and did.

Bruce believes Manchester City boss Guardiola, who takes his team to St James’ Park today in the FA Cup, will react the same way after Liverpool took City’s title this week.

“I’m sure it will be the same because they are both serial winners,’’ said Bruce.

“Pep will be feeling the same way Sir Alex did. But with Liverpool winning it by so many points it will be tough.

“Pep will be looking at it over the next few weeks and seeing where they can get better for next year – and that’s why the Premier League is so difficult.

“Who would have thought it would take Liverpool 30 years after winning it in 1990, if you’d told me that then I’d have said you couldn’t even write it.

“And I know how winning that Holy Grail feels. It had been 26 years when we won it at United for the first time and before that the longer it went on the harder it got.

‘‘The first one is always most difficult, so for Liverpool to get that off their back after 30 years will be a relief.

“And when you see the team and manager they’ve got and what they’ve done then you can only just applaud them.”

City are favourites in today’s tie but Bruce believes his Toon side have some weapons to attack Guardiola’s stars.

He said: “We’ve got the capability with Almiron and Allan Saint-maximin in particular– he can cause any defender problems.

“The one thing you have to do is cause them problems. Of course you need that resilience but at the top end of the pitch we do have some players who can do some damage.”

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CLASH: Bruce and Guardiola meet in the FA Cup today
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