Sunday Express

Order, order... the big vote is


days ago, I said I would break this impasse by going back to Brussels and getting a great new deal for our country.

“They told me the EU would never renegotiat­e and certainly not on improved terms.

“But with hard work, determinat­ion and a skilled negotiatin­g team, we managed to agree a great new deal.

“We could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“But instead of grabbing this great new deal with both hands and helping move our country forward, Parliament chose to ask for more tunnel.

“This is why I reluctantl­y came

MPS ARE preparing to choose a new Speaker in what is being billed as “the most important election of the year”.

John Bercow – one of the most controvers­ial figures to have held the post in modern history – is due to resign on Thursday with MPS electing his replacemen­t the following Monday.

Fans of the Speaker have praised his efforts to modernise the Commons. But in recent months he has enraged Brexiteers by showing “scandalous” levels of support for Remainers.

Business Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said Mr Bercow had given “unpreceden­ted” powers to the Opposition MPS who passed

Britain ends up leaving on Thursday in a clean-break Brexit. There are fears that Labour is working with other Remainer MPS to put together a bill to rule out No Deal altogether, which could have the effect of forcing Britain to remain in the EU.

There are also concerns that if the paralysis continues, the Government will not be able to pass a Budget before the next financial year, causing huge damage to the nation’s finances.

One senior Tory MP said: “It would cause chaos, crash the markets and mean that the country could not raise the revenue it needs for health, schools and the police.”

The Treasury refused to discuss what would happen if a Budget was not passed before April.

The Prime Minister received a huge boost from an Opinium poll last night which saw the Conservati­ves extend their lead over Labour to 16 points. the so-called Benn Act, which forced Boris Johnson to request an extension of Britain’s membership of the EU.

The Speaker has been blamed for letting pro-eu MPS derail the Prime Minister’s plan to leave the bloc on October 31. Mr

Bercow also

Withdrawal Agreement Bill.

One senior MP said: “We should be pushing the bill and forcing them to keep voting for new motions. That would flush out what Labour and the Remainers are trying to do.” Another added: “This pause is playing into Labour’s hands – it looks like we are blocking Brexit.”

Downing Street sources have confirmed talks are taking place with independen­t and rebel Tory MPS over a new motion allowing extra time to debate the bill.

Talks with Labour about it have been described as “minimal”. caused further frustratio­n for the Government on Monday by not allowing the PM another chance to get his Brexit deal approved with a meaningful vote.

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: “This is the most important election of the year – unless we vote for a general election on Monday. It is imperative we get somebody sensible in the Speaker’s chair who stops playing games and restores some sense of order, as well as public trust in Parliament and democracy. Bercow’s bias

 ??  ?? STEPPING DOWN: Bercow
 ??  ?? CANDIDATE: Harriet Harman
CANDIDATE: Harriet Harman
 ??  ?? IDEAS: Labour’s Chris Bryant
IDEAS: Labour’s Chris Bryant

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