Stockport Express

Notion of how wife should behave branded ‘medieval’


A MEDIEVAL notion of how a wife should behave lay behind Khan’s murderous refusal to accept her career, said the judge who jailed him for life.

In a series of texts, Khan tried to use religion to bend ‘defiant’ Nasreen.

But Judge Patrick Field QC said he doubted her murder really was a case of ‘cultural clash’, because his family were all supportive of devoted mother Nasreen.

The judge concluded that behind the ‘traditiona­l’ facade Khan adopted, he was simply a controllin­g man.

On the day she was killed, Nasreen told her manager Khan wasn’t happy about her work, saying: “I can’t take it any more, I don’t know what to do.”

Her boss offered to speak to him but before she could, Nasreen got a text from Khan saying ‘It’s not halal for you to work with men. I don’t give you permission’.

At lunchtime he texted: “I have told you ten times there are three people whose prayers will not be accepted by Allah.

“A fleeing slave until he returns to his master, a woman whose husband is angry with her, until he is pleased with her, and a drunkard until he becomes conscious.

“If you don’t listen to me, I get angry.”

In another text, he said: “If you go to another man’s house again then you are doing haram [something forbidden]. Don’t ignore this again and again.”

That evening Khan confronted Nasreen for not replying to his texts.

A row developed, and when he asked her if she wanted him to get out, she said ‘yes’.

He said he had ‘nothing to lose’ – and minutes later, killed her.

The judge said: “Nasreen had been a devoted mother and worked hard.

“By contrast, the evidence suggests you are a selfish and controllin­g man.

“You did not want Nasreen to have contact with other men, even though her duties involved no more than administer­ing medication and warming their food.

“It appears your disapprova­l was born out of some outdated, almost medieval notion of how a wife should behave.”

‘You did not want her to have contact with other men’

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