Stirling Observer

Nursery building plansget go-ahead


New plans for a nursery in Drymen have been approved by National Park planners.

Approved proposals to extend Drymen Primary School including a new public library and nursery were scrapped earlier this year and a new nursery-only applicatio­n lodged.

Stirling Council’s original project, approved by Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park planners in February this year, also included new classrooms, a new 29-space car park and solar roof panels.

However, the council lodged a revised proposal for a single-storey nursery at the village school with room for 32 children and 11 staff.

Drymen Primary School is located on the corner of Clairinch Way and Old Gartmore Road to the north of Drymen, with the base of Lomond Mountain Rescue Team, a single storey building, to the north.

In their decision, Park planners said: “It is proposed to erect a new nursery building within the grounds of the existing primary school. The new building would be single storey and sited to the north of the school. It is intended that overflow parking and pick up and drop off will take place from the existing Lomond Mountain Rescue car park.”

Lomond Mountain Rescue Team lodged the only objection to the plans saying that no permission has been sought for use of their car park for pick up and drop off.

However, the Park planners added:“The proposal would be single storey and of contempora­ry design.

“Whilst the finishes would be a contrast with the existing building, they reflect that of the nearby mountain rescue building and traditiona­l rural buildings.

“The school is accessed from the centre of the village via Old Gartmore Road.

“Stirling Council as roads authority are of the view that the increase in traffic resulting from the new nursery can be accommodat­ed and have raised no objections to the proposals.

“With regards to parking, there are 14 parking spaces within the site and a further two spaces are to be provided.

“The nearby Lomond Mountain Rescue car park is currently used as overflow parking during school hours.

“There is however no formal agreement in place regarding the use of this car park.

“Since the writing of their original comments in the submitted representa­tion to the applicatio­n, Lomond Mountain Rescue has confirmed they will be securing an agreement with the council regarding the use of their car park both during and post constructi­on.

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