Stirling Observer

Fallin man is jailed for fatal crash


A Fallin motorist who knocked down and killed an 84-year-old pedestrian as she crossed the road was yesterday (Tues) jailed for four years.

Graeme Flynn was distracted by a radio traffic report just seconds before the fatal impact.

The 29-year-old took his eye off the road and his Mercedes hit grandmothe­r Grace Stiven as she crossed Glasgow’s Jamaica Street on May 8, 2018.

Mrs Stiven died in hospital the next day.

Flynn had been convicted of death by dangerous driving after a jury trial.

He appeared for sentence at the High Court in Glasgow yesterday via a videolink, and sobbed as he was jailed and banned from driving for 10 years.

Judge Tom Hughes told Flynn: “Your actions that day caused the death of Mrs Stiven and caused loss, anguish and heartbreak to her family.

“This happened because of loss of concentrat­ion. You took your eye off the road.”

Defence QC Jim Keegan said: “He was distracted by a traffic report coming on the radio and took his eye off the road for about seven seconds with tragic consequenc­es. He is suffering great remorse.”

The court heard that the accident happened when Flynn was driving at under 10 miles an hour. He failed to see Mrs Stiven as she crossed the road.

The court heard that Flynn had pulled away from traffic lights and turned right into Jamaica Street as Mrs Stiven crossed.

After the impact he immediatel­y stopped and went to help her.

In evidence Flynn admitted his attention was diverted by an announceme­nt on the car radio and trying to turn it off.

He told prosecutor Michael Meehan Qc:“when you move off the expectatio­n is you look both ways but I would be lying If I said I was looking ahead, as I don’t know.

“The traffic announceme­nt startled me and I pushed the wrong button on the car paddle gears.

“I can’t stand here and say my driving was dangerous but I can say it was careless.”

Collision investigat­or PC Ian Gary, 50, said that Flynn was driving at 9.25 miles per hour at the point of impact.

He added:“the front near side of the car struck her causing her to go off her feet and land on the carriagewa­y.

“She sustained a head injury and died from her injuries the next day.”

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