Stirling Observer

Praise for work to honour heroes


Stirling’s MSP has highlighte­d work done to honour the city’s deceased war heroes.

Bruce Crawford spoke during a debate at the Scottish Parliament last week of the important work carried out by the Commonweal­th War Graves Commission.

He said:“The work of the Commonweal­th War Graves Commission is hugely important, not just in honouring the dead but in highlighti­ng the devastatin­g cost of war. Generation­s throughout the previous century had their lives torn apart by two world wars. I hope that none of our generation­s today, or in the future, will ever again know that horror.”

Globally, the Commission is responsibl­e for preserving the memory of 1.7 million people in 23,000 locations, across 154 countries.

There are 1,275 Commonweal­th War Grave sites in Scotland, with around 20,000 graves.

Across the Stirling area, there are over 240 war graves, with the biggest site being Ballengeic­h Cemetery, which is home to 58.

Commenting, Mr Crawford added: “The War Graves Commission was originally founded in 1917, and its role in commemorat­ing and preserving the memory of the fallen in the two world wars is staggering.

“This includes the more-than 240 graves in the Stirling area alone – and that’s without counting the fallen soldiers and personnel from the Stirling area who have been buried overseas.

“Stirling and Scotland suffered an appalling loss of life during the two world wars of the last century. Many people are rightly grateful to the Commission for the work that they do in carrying the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we today can enjoy the freedoms that we all too often take for granted.”

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