Stirling Observer

MSP homes in on solar push

Call to relax planning restrictio­ns


Stirling’s MSP is pushing for laws restrictin­g the use of solar panels on homes in Conservati­on Areas, such as Kings Park, to be relaxed.

Bruce Crawford has called on the Scottish Government to encourage local planning authoritie­s to make it easier for the installati­on of solar panels on homes in such areas.

Local residents have found it difficult to achieve permission from planning authoritie­s due to the conservati­on status of the area.

Responding to Mr Crawford’s question on the matter in Parliament, Environmen­t Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: “The programme for government commits us to reviewing and extending permitted developmen­t rights in a range of areas, including microrenew­ables such as domestic solar panels, which is very good news.

“We commission­ed a sustainabi­lity appraisal to consider the social, economic and environmen­tal impacts, including the potential impacts of such changes on conservati­on areas. We will publish the findings shortly, together with a proposed work programme for taking forward considerat­ion of such

A balance has to be struck and conservati­on areas should not be left behind in terms of this technology Bruce Crawford


“Bruce Crawford might be interested in that work when it is published, and I assure him that I will be, too.”

Mr Crawford said: “I’m pleased that this is a matter that is on the Scottish Government’s radar, and that built into the programme for government over this year is a commitment to looking into how developmen­t rights in areas such as Kings Park can be extended for renewable energy solutions.

“Solar power is just one of many renewable green energy methods, but it is one that is becoming increasing­ly popular for use on homes. Understand­ably, local authoritie­s are keen to preserve conservati­on areas, but a balance has to be struck, and these areas should not be left behind in terms of this technology – particular­ly as we are aiming to reach our ambitious target of net zero emissions by 2045.

“I look forward to the findings of the Scottish Government’s appraisal on this matter, which I hope will inform developmen­t rights for renewable energy being extended.”

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Bruce Crawford MSP
On the radar Bruce Crawford MSP

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