Stirling Observer

Inspectors make a visit

Nursery gets a good mark

- Kaiya Marjoriban­ks

A recent unannounce­d inspection at Park Drive Nursery in Bannockbur­n has graded the quality of care, support and staffing as good.

Inspfficto­rs found posThtThvf­fi Thmpact on outcomffis for cfiThldrff­in duffi to botfi tfiffi famThly work bffiThng carrThffid out and fiow parffints arffi consultffi­d and Thncludffi­d Thn tfiffi nursffiry.

It catffirs for up to 23 cfiThldrff­in agffid from bThrtfi to undffir tfirffiffi yffiars and 64 cfiThldrff­in agffid from tfirffiffi to prThmary scfiool agffi.

Parffints gavffi ffixamplff­is of fiow tfiffi tffiam fiad workffid wThtfi tfiffim to fiffilp wThtfi dThffffirf­fint, and oftffin dThfficult, tThmffis Thn tfiffiThr lThvffis.

fftrong lThnks wThtfi parffints and otfiffir profffissT­honals ffinsurffi­d cfiThldrff­in wThtfi addThtThon­al support nffiffids got tfiffi rThgfit support at tfiffi rThgfit tThmffi.

Most cfiThldrff­in wffirffi saThd to bffi confidffin­t, rffilaxffi­d and fiappy.

Good nutrThtTho­n was supportffi­d tfirougfi varThffid snacks and ThnThtThat­Thvffis lThkffi tfiffi ‘wffiffi wandffir’ walk, wfiThcfi contrThbut­ffid to ovffirall wffillbffi­Thng.

Inspfficto­rs also found staff to bffi nurturThng and rffispffic­tful towards cfiThldrff­in, and tfiat cfiThldrff­in wffirffi ffincourag­ffid to bffi kThnd to ffiacfi otfiffir, wThtfi many dffivffilo­pThng strong frThffinds­fiThps.

Tfiffiy rfficommff­indffid cfiThldrff­in’s lffiarnffi­r’s journals bffi ffinfiancf­fid and tfiat approacfif­fis to plannThng ffixpffirT­hffincffis and Thntffirac­tThons wThtfi cfiThldrff­in undffir tfirffiffi sfiould bffi dffivffilo­pffid, ThncludThn­g Thncrffias­Thng staff undffirsta­ndThng of obsffirvat­Thon, assffissmf­fint and plannThng. MffidThcal, allffirgy and addThtThon­al support nffiffids ThnformatT­hon and ThnstructT­hons from parffints sfiould also bffi gatfiffirf­fid and storffid “Thn a consThstff­int way”.

ActThng fiffiad of tfiffi nursffiry AlThson Patffirson, saThd: “Thffi tffiam fiavffi a clffiar vThsThon to provThdffi a nurturThng ffinvThron­mffint wfiffirffi cfiThldrff­in arffi fiappy, Thncludffi­d and arffi ffincourag­ffid to tfirThvffi.”

“fftThrlThn­g CouncThl ffiducatTh­on convffinor CouncThllo­r ffusan McGThll saThd: “It was partThcula­rly plffiasThn­g tfiat Thnspffict­ors rfficognTh­sffid tfiffi good work staff at tfiffi nursffiry fiad donffi wThtfi famThlThff­is wfiThcfi fias bffinffifi­tffid botfi parffints and cfiThldrff­in.”

Tory ffiducatTh­on spokffispf­firson CouncThllo­r Bryan Flannagan saThd: “ThThs Ths anotfiffir ffixcffill­ffint rffiport sfiowThng tfiffi qualThty of carffi bffiThng dffilThvff­irffid across our nursffirTh­ffis.

“A sThgnThfTh­cant factor Ths fiavThng as many dffidThcat­ffid nursffiry fiffiadtff­iacfiffirs as wffi do wfiThcfi Ths wfiy I am ffixtrffim­ffily concffirnf­fid by monffiy savThng proposals to sfiarffi fiffiadtff­iacfiffirs across somffi prThmary scfiools and nursffirTh­ffis. ThThs Ths not an arffia wfiffirffi wffi sfiould sffit rThgThd targffits for savThngs tfiat, Thf agrffiffid Thn budgffit, must tfiffin bffi acfiThffiv­ffid by councThl officffirs.”

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