Southport Visiter

Health Secretary questioned on harsher restrictio­ns on pubs


THE Campaign for Real Ale has written to the Health Secretary urging him to explain why pubs are facing harsher lockdown restrictio­ns than gyms and shops under the new tier system in England from December 2, writes Neville Grundy.

The campaign is also demanding that the Government stop ‘scapegoati­ng’ pubs for the pandemic and asking why they’ve produced no evidence to support the restrictio­ns.

Pubs have invested thousands to create COVID-secure environmen­ts and yet are unfairy shoulderin­g the COVID burden.

CAMRA is particular­ly concerned for the nation’s wet-led pubs that will be unable to open in both Tier 2 or 3 areas - nearly of all England - after December 2, due to the rule that pubs provide a ‘substantia­l meal’ with alcohol.

Such pubs will need a new, dedicated financial support package if they and the breweries that serve them are to survive the winter.

Commenting, CAMRA National Chair Nik Antona said: “Pubs and pub-goers are more than willing to play their part in reducing the spread of COVID - indeed, many publicans have invested thousands to ensure they offered COVID-secure environmen­ts over the last few months.

“Yet pubs continue to be singled out as a scapegoat for the spread of COVID-19 without any compelling evidence to support the claim. These incoherent and inconsiste­nt restrictio­ns will decimate businesses, cost jobs and lead to the loss of community pubs up and down the country.

“This is a make-or-break moment for thousands of community pubs that now face measures such as only being allowed to serve alcohol with a substantia­l meal - without any evidence presented that this measure would help to control the virus.

“To make matters worse, whilst people will be able to mix in people’s homes over the festive period, pubs won’t be able to open normally over the same period, a decision that spells doom instead of cheer for pubs this Christmas.

“The Government must urgently publish the evidence behind their decisions - or think again about these new measures.

“With 72% of hospitalit­y businesses saying they expect to fail next year, even before these new restrictio­ns were announced, it is clear that pubs and breweries urgently need a new, dedicated financial support package to survive.”

Visit your local CAMRA website:

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 ??  ?? ● Without additional help, wet-led pubs such as the Mason’s may not survive.
● Without additional help, wet-led pubs such as the Mason’s may not survive.

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