Southport Visiter

Burglary gang hurled rocks in escape


POLICE are appealing for informatio­n after a gang who attempted to burgle a house in Southport threw rocks in retaliatio­n for being disturbed.

A group of around five men attempted to break into a house on Larch Street at about 11.45pm on Monday, February 24.

Craig Birch, a builder, had been out watching a football match and received a text from a neighbour asking him if he was up because “a gang of lads with their hoodies up” were hanging around outside his house.

His neighbour reported that two of them stayed at the front of the property while three went round the back.

Craig said: “I was told they were all wearing hoodies and had their faces covered. We think they were initially attracted by my trailer at the front and were trying to steal tools.”

He raced back to the house and arrived within minutes of the gang leaving. They had driven off in a distinctiv­e, “sporty” grey Honda Civic.

Craig noticed there were pieces of stone all over his neighbour’s driveway as moments before, when the gang realised they were being watched, they began to pick up rocks and hurled them at the neighbour’s house.

He said: “I had some ‘hardcore’ building material in the trailer and they were obviously annoyed that they were seen and began picking it out throwing it at my neighbour’s house. One hit their car doing some slight damage.”

Anyone who saw any suspicious behaviour or has informatio­n is asked to contact the police social media desk, @MerPolCC, call 101 quoting reference 1106 of 24/2/20 or call Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111 or use the online form at crimestopp­

 ??  ?? The incident occurred in Larch Street in Southport
The incident occurred in Larch Street in Southport

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