Southport Visiter

Why not enjoy the Women’s World Cup with fans in your favourite pub?


THE Campaign for Real Ale is encouragin­g football fans to head to their local pub to watch the Women’s World Cup, writes Neville Grundy.

Camra is also encouragin­g pubs and bars in the UK to back women in sport and screen the matches.

Camra’s national vice chair Abigail Newton says: “We know that football is good news for pubs and last year’s World Cup provided a much-needed boost for the trade as a whole.

“We’d like to see the Women’s World Cup match that success this year and are encouragin­g pubs to screen the games and viewers to tune in over the match weeks.

“In addition, we think this is a fantastic opportunit­y to highlight the incredibly important role that women play in the beer industry.”

Change The Channel is a campaign making noise about when and where the Women’s

World Cup is playing, urging venues in the UK to back women in sport and turn on the matches.

Change the Channel founders Amelia and Kelsey say: “There’s a serious lack of airtime given to women’s sport in the UK and yet people really want to watch women play.

“So to help generate more coverage, we’ve been asking pubs and bars to change the TV channel and show the Women’s World Cup, knowing that greater visibility enables more girls and women to see and experience the benefits of sport.

“We’ve got loads of venues on board so far with some even offering free drinks.”

Their website is www. changethec­

Watching sport is best when you share it with others, and what better place than surrounded by other cheering fans in a comfortabl­e local, rather than sitting alone at home with a few tins from a supermarke­t?

You know it make sense!


The Middle Earth Beer & Music Festival is on July 19-21.

There’ll be 50+ cask, keg & craft beers on offer, live music, on-site camping as well as plenty of street food choices.

The festival has a Middle Earth theme to celebrate the links between JRR Tolkien and the Ribble Valley that he loved so much.

The venue is Waddow Hall, Waddington Road, Clitheroe BB7 3LD.

More info and tickets at middleeart­hbeerfesti­

The next camra Southport & West Lancs branch meeting is on July 10 at 8pm at the Heatons Bridge, Heatons Bridge Road, Scarisbric­k L40 8JG.

Interested non-members welcome.

Local Camra website: www.

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Ellen White and Nikita Parris celebrate England’s second goal in the Quarter Final match against Norway
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