South Wales Evening Post

‘Bored’ care home employee took to watching vile videos

- JASON EVANS Reporter jason.evans@walesonlin­

A MAN turned to watching videos of women having sex with animals because he was bored at work in a care home, a court has heard.

Police were alerted after Andras Jancso’ partner found hundreds of explicit videos and films on his phone.

The 43-year-old Romanian was arrested at Dover as he was trying to board a ferry to France.

A judge said he wasn’t going to lecture the defendant on the “filthy material” found on his phone, but said whatever Jancso’s “personal predilecti­ons” he had committed a criminal offence. Swansea Crown Court heard that in September this year Jancso was at home with his partner in Swansea when he showed her a video on his phone - the video was of a woman having sex with a dog.

Craig Jones, prosecutin­g, said the partner asked the defendant why he was viewing such material, and he replied it was because he was bored in work.

The following week when Jancso left his phone unattended his partner took the opportunit­y to see what was on it. The court heard she guessed his PIN and accessed the device, and scrolling through the iphone found a large collection of pornograph­ic images. She also found the defendant had been in regular contact with his ex-wife.

Mr Jones said as a result of these discoverie­s “the relationsh­ip broke down”, and the police were alerted. On the evening of October 5 Jancso was detained at Dover ferry terminal after a passport check flagged up the fact he was wanted in South Wales.

A subsequent examinatio­n of the defendant’s phone found 2,933 extreme pornograph­ic images including images of women having sex with dogs and pigs.

Andras Jancso, now of Stone Street, Llandovery, Carmarthen­shire, had previously pleaded guilty to the possession of extreme pornograph­ic images when he appeared in the dock for sentencing. He has no previous conviction­s either in the UK or in his native Romania.

Andrew Evans, for Jancso, said his client had been working as a handyman in a Swansea care home at the time of his arrest.

Judge Huw Rees said it wasn’t for him to lecture the defendant on the “filthy material” found on his phone, but the fact was whatever Jancso’s “personal predilecti­ons” he had committed a criminal offence.

Jancso was sentenced to a threeyear community order and told to complete a Horizon sex offenders programme and a rehabilita­tion course. He was also made the subject of a five-year sexual harm prevention order. The judge said the community order should not be seen by the defendant or anyone else as a “soft option”, and said it was a sentence which allowed “constructi­ve” work to be done by the probation service with Jancso.

 ?? JOSEPH RAYNOR ?? Andras Jansco’s partner found the videos on his phone.
JOSEPH RAYNOR Andras Jansco’s partner found the videos on his phone.

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