South Wales Evening Post

Learn from experience


HOW daft can you get?

Wales’s First Minister, Mark Drakeford, has decided that Wales must go into a “Fire-break; circuit-breaker; lockdown”, (is there any wonder people are confused) to reduce the number of people getting infected with coronaviru­s.

Hindsight is a gift most of us do not possess, however, experience is a reward we should all prosper and learn from, particular­ly those who are supposed to lead us during difficult times. However, he, was one of the few politician­s that saw the benefits of wearing a mask when it could have helped with Covid numbers; did not rigorously enforce Covid regulation­s, particular­ly tourists returning to Cardiff airport, which the government owns, from Covid hotspots and use lockdown principles in areas where outbreaks, particular­ly food processing factories, were raising concern, months ago.

He now proposes that we have a nationwide lockdown (fire-break; circuit-breaker) in order to reduce Covid numbers and ease the considerab­le burden the NHS is going through.

Personally I believe that this will do nothing except reduce numbers for a while, although exempting the most vulnerable, over 60s, from gathering in numbers (to celebrate Remembranc­e day), seems ridiculous, if not

insane. And if he does not implement strict quarantine enforcemen­t following contact by the NHS test and trace service (currently less than 80% are isolating), vigorously, then we might as well all stock up on pasta and toilet rolls because we are in for a very long haul.

Maes Mawr Road, Crynant

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