South Wales Evening Post

Officer kicked twice on shin by woman


A POLICE officer was kicked twice by a drunk woman during a 20-minute ordeal on a Llanelli housing estate to try and get her into an ambulance.

Louise Lewis of Pwll Trap, St Clears, lashed out at a PC after paramedics called for back-up when trying to look after her on February 26.

She pleaded guilty to assault by beating and being drunk and disorderly when appearing at Llanelli Magistrate­s’ Court.

Prosecutor Julie Sullivan said Lewis, 37, went to a house in Tirforgan in a drunken state after 8pm carrying a bottle of vodka.

Members of the public called an ambulance due to concerns about her welfare.

Mrs Sullivan added: “Police attended an address on the Tirforgan estate in Felinfoel after an ambulance crew asked for police assistance to help with an intoxicate­d lady, who was the defendant.

“When the officer arrived she was sat on the steps of the ambulance in an agitated state and was unwilling to engage with him.

“Residents said she had turned up at a house with a litre bottle of vodka in a heavily intoxicate­d state.”

Mrs Sullivan said when the officer started trying to help her she became abusive, adding: “She was verbally abusive and shouting repeatedly that she was angry and homeless. She told the officer she hated him and later on kicked him twice in the shin.”

The court was shown segments of a 21-minute video of the incident that had been recorded by the officer’s body cam during which the officer could be seen being patient and doing everything he could to calm Lewis down.

Defence solicitor Laura Sherwood said the officer had shown “extreme patience and did not deserve to be assaulted.”

She added Lewis was “shocked and embarrasse­d that she behaved in such a fashion” and had no recollecti­on of the incident. A report into Lewis’s background heard that she had been binge drinking for two days before the incident.

Lewis was given a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 weeks.

She was also ordered to carry out 20 rehabilita­tion days and 150 hours of unpaid work and pay £150 to the officer. In addition, she must pay £85 costs and a £122 surcharge.

 ?? Pictures: South Wales Evening Post archives ?? The Albert Hall in Swansea city centre became a bingo hall in its later years.
Pictures: South Wales Evening Post archives The Albert Hall in Swansea city centre became a bingo hall in its later years.

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