South Wales Echo

Villagers say plans would ‘destroy’ community


VILLAGERS have told of their concerns about plans to turn a B&B near Merthyr Tydfil into an HMO, and the impact it could have on the community.

There is an applicatio­n to convert the former Mount Pleasant Hotel bed and breakfast in Mount Pleasant, Merthyr Vale, into two flats and a six bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO).

Andrew Challis is among those campaignin­g against the plans and said: “We live in a small tightknit community that is a lovely place to live.

“Generation­s of families live here and have done for a hundred or so years.

“We feel safe here, we have great memories here.

“We have slowly had everything taken from us – our shops were first to go, then our beloved primary school and most recently our public house that had become a base for the community following the school closure.”

Mr Challis added: “A HMO would very much change the whole ethos of this community and ultimately destroy such a lovely community, which are very hard to come by these days.

“Under the proposals the HMO would sit in the middle of our community that is made up of only three streets.

“We have so many concerns regarding this proposed planning, safeguardi­ng being our main concern.”

He said there are 1,275 signatures on a petition which has been handed into Merthyr Tydfil Council’s planning department and that residents are sending emails of opposition in too.

Mr Challis added: “We have older vulnerable residents living within our community who would be severely affected and upset by any untoward, unacceptab­le behaviour that may arise from the HMO.

“In addition to this there are many families with young children residing in the area and I’m sure I don’t need to outline the risks such behaviour would pose to children.”

He said they have a children’s playground and playing fields in Mount Pleasant which is well used by local children, and that their safety is paramount.

D2 PropCo Limited which is the applicant has been approached for comment.

 ?? ?? Merthyr Vale
Merthyr Vale

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