South Wales Echo

Rugby’s power... and how women’s game is at tipping point of progress

- BEN JAMES Rugby writer ben.james@walesonlin­

ELINOR Snowsill has been a mainstay of Welsh rugby for some time now. Yet her full-time job defines her just as much as a sport she loves. In fact, it elevates that love.

The 30-year-old currently works for the School of Hard Knocks charity, which uses rugby as a means of personal and academic growth in secondary schools.

For Snowsill, it’s the perfect job.

“It combines everything I love. I love dealing with teenagers and challengin­g behaviour, but also through rugby,” she explained on WalesOnlin­e’s Welsh Rugby Podcast this week.

“It brings back the joy of rugby for me. Having played internatio­nal rugby, you get bogged down in the pressure and seriousnes­s of it.

“But watching it with 13 and 14-yearolds who are seeing it for the first time and falling it in love with it, it’s like seeing it as new again and why you fell in love with it.”

“I’m so lucky to be doing something I love. Rugby is a team sport and you have to rely on each other.

“It teaches you respect and discipline and putting your body on the line for each other. It brings something out in the people we work with.

“A lot of them aren’t equipped to dealing with their emotions and will sometimes resort to fighting.

“If you fight, you get kicked out of school. Put in a big tackle and you get a pat on the back.

“Seeing the kids’ switch in mentality when they realise they can do what they love, get their aggression out and someone says well done at the end of it, that’s why it works so well.”

Snowsill is happy with her job, but her ambitions for the future stretch beyond what she’s currently doing. The key, however, is continuing to help the same children she’s currently looking out for.

“I have two end goals: the one is I’d like to set up some sort of academy or private school so that the kids I’m working with now get the same opportunit­ies as those with money.

“I’d obviously need some financial backing for that! The other is to be a head coach of a rugby team once I retire.”

What’s clear is her belief in the power of rugby as a transforma­tive tool that transcends sport.

“There are internatio­nal players playing now who openly say that if they hadn’t found rugby, they’d be in prison. It can literally change the path you go down and save your life.

“I just want to facilitate that and make it easier within Wales.”

If that’s what Snowsill’s future beyond the game holds, what about the future of the game itself?

“The game is getting there,” she explains. “It’s at the cusp of turning profession­al.

“The standard has gone through the roof in the last five years. Girls are playing at a younger age so they’re coming through naturally talented.

“Hopefully, the standard continues to rise and more unions jump on board and turn their teams profession­al.

“We’re at that tipping point where people are talking about it. I think it’s only going to go in positive ways.

“The real difference that rugby can give that other sports can’t is that it can literally be for people of all body shapes and sizes. That’s why women’s rugby will really push on forward.

“The questions is whether you look at the men’s game and follow what they have done, or do you see it as a completely different sport and go your own way like women’s football.”

This brings us onto the news that Chelsea Women – where Wales Women football captain Sophie Ingle plies her trade – have become the first team to tailor their training programme around players’ menstrual cycles in an attempt to enhance performanc­e and cut down on injuries, such as ACL damage, which has been linked to menstruati­on. For Snowsill, it’s a “game changer”. “It’s something we as players need,” she added. “It massively affects you.

“I remember going out to Ireland and being in unbelievab­le pain during the team run. I couldn’t train because of it.

“It really does affect us and it’s good that people are talking about it now and acknowledg­ing that female athletes are at a disadvanta­ge because they have to go through this every month.

“As athletes and particular­ly as women, we sometimes forget that my mood or my decrease in strength right now could just be because the time of the month. You don’t have this massive panic about things or think you’re losing your strength as you’re a bit more in control of it.”

When announcing the move to tailor their training around players’ menstrual cycles, Chelsea manager Emma Hayes said that she was a “female coach in an industry where women have always been treated like small men”.

Is that a sentiment that Snowsill has experience­d?

“It’s hard to tell when you’re in it,” she admits. “You’re just cracking on with your gym and fitness programmes. Because we’re in a minority sport, it’s probably been a case of ‘this is what worked for rugby players so we’ll do it for you.’

“Probably now, you’ll see the standard get higher, there’ll be more competitio­n between the teams and you’ll find everyone looking for that edge.

“That’s maybe where things like this come in. How do we get the best out of female athletes rather than our athletes?

“I think that article was a game changer and I think it’s going to have repercussi­ons not just in the next few months, but in years to come.”

Perhaps one of the areas where women’s rugby is streets ahead of men’s rugby is its attitudes towards players’ sexualitie­s.

Last year, Snowsill recorded a video for S4C, talking about how she came out. For her, coming out and the reaction it garnered had never been a problem.

“It was always quite comfortabl­e for me. I took a while to come out to my parents because I was a massive wimp about it!

“The only issue maybe is with men on nights out not being willing to accept it sometimes! That’s the only thing I get that could be remotely negative but otherwise it’s all fine.

“For me, it’s not an issue and it doesn’t define who I am.”

The reason she did the video was to try and help people being discrimina­ted against and feeling they couldn’t come out.

“Until there are no issues with it, it’s still something we need to speak about.” she adds.

 ??  ?? Elinor Snowsill has forthright views on the future of women’s rugby
Elinor Snowsill has forthright views on the future of women’s rugby

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