South Wales Echo



YESTERDAY I watched a little bird gathering tiny pieces of straw. It was just outside my window, and didn’t seem bothered by me at all.

Which may have been because the straw bundle in its beak was so big that it could hardly see past it.

Birds building nests is a sure sign that spring is on its way.

Many birds rely on a good supply of insects as food for their chicks, so nesting season usually falls around the time that the creepy crawlies are waking up after winter.

But some birds are ahead of the game, choosing to build their nests early, or even all year round.

Crossbills live in evergreen forests surrounded by their favourite food – conifer seeds – and are already well under way with nesting. Their chicks will be up and flapping while other young birds are still in their eggs.

Gothic favourite the raven is also an early nester, with a diet of carrion (dead animals), rodents and other birds’ eggs. A pair of ravens will stay together for life, so they don’t have to spend time finding a new partner every year.

Tawny owls like to hunt for food in long grass. They build their nests early, before the grass gets too long, so they can see their prey more easily.

The long-tailed tit might not lay its eggs until April, but its nest is so complicate­d and fancy that it starts building work in late February.

Grey herons reuse their nests each year and are now making repairs ready for the next clutch of eggs.

I love seeing fluffy fledgeling birds learning to feed and fly. But like many people, I’ve never seen a baby pigeon.

Perhaps that is because pigeons like to nest in places that are out of the way and hard to reach, such as up clock towers, in abandoned buildings or under railway bridges.

Or perhaps it is because, by the time they leave the nest, they look just like adult birds.

Having made themselves at home in towns and cities, pigeons can breed at any time of year. They have a plentiful supply of food and water, often scavenging dinners.

The early bird may catch the worm, but the all-year-round bird catches the leftover takeaway.

 ??  ?? Ravens and tawny owls like to build their nests early
Ravens and tawny owls like to build their nests early

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