South Wales Echo

Donors help Layla fulfil dance dream


A LITTLE girl is one step closer to fulfilling her dreams and becoming a dancer thanks to generous donors.

As reported in the Echo last week, Charlotte Milsom spoke of how her daughter Layla Grace is in desperate need of a special brace for her chest.

Layla, five, was diagnosed with pectus carinatum, more commonly known as pigeon chest, in 2016. The condition causes her sternum and rib cage to protrude outwards as she grows.

It gets worse as time goes on but if Layla can get a special brace that isn’t available on the NHS she’ll be one step closer to achieving her dreams.

After going on a fundraisin­g mission Layla’s mum, Charlotte, has managed to raise £3,600 to get Layla a brace and help her become a dancer.

Charlotte said: “We’ve reached our target and have raised more money than we needed. Over the last few days someone has donated £500 and another has given £1,000. We are honestly so thankful for everyone’s help.

“Layla is now going to have scans and tests and she will be measured for her brace as soon as possible.”

This is great news for Layla as she feared her condition would stop her from becoming a dancer.

Pectus carinatum effects one in 1,500 children but there is treatment available for those who have the condition.

Charlotte is now looking for the two generous people who donated hundreds to Layla’s cause.

She said: “Their names are Matt Price and Thomas Taylor and they have donated to the page. I just want to be able to thank them in person. We are so thankful for what they’ve done for us.”

The youngster is also keen to help other young people in need. Layla hopes people will continue to donate to the page so other children with the condition can also get braces fitted.

Charlotte said: “After the success of the fundraisin­g page we hope to set up a charity in Layla’s name. It’s now something I’m looking into as we’ve had such a great response from everyone. We hope other people like Layla will also be able to get the help they need.”

To support the cause visit www.­5

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